Sunrise and Sunset on Navarre Beach

What are the two best times to walk on Navarre Beach? Some would say sunrise and sunset. Navarre Beach offers up some of the most beautiful sunsets, year-round. Experts say it’s hard to predict when you’ll see the most spectacular light shows but the right mix of clouds is definitely part of the equation.


If you’ve been to the beach here, you know what we’re talking about. The sky goes from a dreamy midday blue to a light show featuring streaks of orange, red, pink, and yellow. There’s a lot of science in the explanation for why the colors vary in shade and intensity. But if you’re here on vacation, you probably don’t need to know all of that.


If you’re hardy enough to get up for a sunrise walk on the beach, you’ll see it go from black to pale yellow and orange peaking over the horizon. Where it goes from there is anyone’s guess. Bring your camera or smartphone, but be sure to catch as many of them as possible. You won’t regret it and make sure you post your photos on social media with #NavarreProperties. Book your vacation to Navarre Beach and see the perfect sunrise and sunset!

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